software they use and what they think about it. In thisarticle, we'll look at job development and how employees experience the hiringprocess. In a future article, we will look at job satisfaction, personaldevelopment at work and the role managers can play in retention. You will findthe survey methodology at the bottom of this article. Job satisfaction rate ishigh, but most employees stay current with offerings in the market It is clearthat satisfied employees are more likely to stay in their jobs. The good news forQuebec SMEs is that 70% of the employees we surveyed say they are satisfiedwith their current position, and just under half (45%) do not intend to resign.While a large portion of them said they wanted to leave their job at somepoint, many did not
have a specific deadline in mind. Job seekers/job hoppers inQuebec Employees looking Bulgaria Mobile Number List to change jobs give many reasons. For more than athird of them, the need to change careers is the main factor. However, salaryand lack of benefits are also important factors. Here, we can note thedifferent aspects that influence the job satisfaction rate: financial factors,. Tips for Retaining UnsatisfiedEmployees at Work The 45% of respondents who do not intend to resign providedthe same reasons for their position. Salary remains an important criterion, butthey are more willing to cite good relationships with colleagues and a goodbalance between private and professional life. The main factors contributing toemployees
choosing to stay with the company are: healthy workenvironment (good relationships between colleagues, healthy competition,collaboration, etc.) (46%), balance between private and professional life(43%), salary corresponding to expectations (36%), flexibility (schedules,remote or hybrid work) (36%), recognition of efforts by management (36%).However, employees who want to keep their jobs may well quit if they arepromised more money elsewhere. 56% said they might change companies if offereda higher salary. This is by far the most important element, ahead of a higherposition (26%) and greater flexibility (21%). How to retain employees: Whilemost employees in our survey are satisfied with their jobs, just under halfplan to quit at some point. This is justified by different factors, the desireto change career being the most important. Those who plan to stay in their job,for their part, attach great importance to psychological comfort. It'simpossible to retain employees forever, but you can improve